The Nomination Committee of Peptonic Medical AB (publ) submits the following proposals for resolution at the Annual General Meeting on May 24, 2022, with regards to the number of members and election of members of the Board of Directors.
The Nomination Committee proposes four members of the Board of Directors and no deputy members of the Board of Directors.
Hans von Celsing, Leni Ekendahl, Marianne Östlund and Anna Tenstam have declined re-election. The Nomination Committee proposes Jan Bardell, Susanne Axelsson, Lena Munkhammar and Anders Norling to be elected as new members of the Board of Directors. The decision by the Nomination Committee to propose the persons as new members of the Board of Directors was unanimous. The Nomination Committee proposes Jan Bardell to be elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Jan Bardell, born 1957. CEO of Bardell Consult AB. Jan Bardell is Chairman of the Board of Infranord. Previous assignments include CEO of Climeon, CEO of Argynnis Group, CEO of ONE Nordic AB, CEO of Vattenfall Services, CEO of Vattenfall Data, CEO of Gestrikekraft. Jan Bardell has studied Business Administration at the University of Gävle, Pedagogy at Uppsala University, Management and Leadership at Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education. Jan Bardell is independent in relation to Peptonic Medical and its management and independent in relation to the Vidarstiftelsen Foundation.
Susanne Axelsson, born 1960. Interim Finance Manager at Sandvik Mining & Construction Tools AB. Previous assignments include Finance Manager at PowerCell, Finance Manager at Swedish Match Industries, CFO at Gbo Fastening Systems, CFO at Group Smart Eyes AB, Finance Manager at Rederi AB Transatlantic, CFO at Almedahl-Kinna. Susanne Axelsson has studied Business Administration at IHM Business School, Excecutive MBA in Strategy & Management/Leadership at Mgruppen. Susanne Axelsson is independent in relation to Peptonic Medical and its management and independent in relation to the Vidarstiftelsen Foundation.
Lena Munkhammar, born 1958. CEO of Lena Munkhammar AB. Lena Munkhammar is a Senior Physician at Capio AB Stockholm and at the County Hospital Region Gävleborg. Previous assignments include Hospital Director at the County Hospital Region Gävleborg, CEO of Carema Sjukvård AB, CEO of Gävletidningar AB. Lena Munkhammar holds a Medical Degree from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. Lena Munkhammar is independent in relation to Peptonic Medical and its management and independent in relation to the Vidarstiftelsen Foundation.
Anders Norling, born 1966. Founder of Nötskäret Konsult AB. Anders Norling is Chairman of the Board at Clean Sverige AB and Toxintelligence AB. Previous assignments include Interim Sales Director of Coca-Cola European Partners, General Manager at Colgate-Palmolive AB and Senior Advisor of Colgate-Palmolive Nordic, Sales Director of Kodak’s business area Digital Film Imaging Systems. Anders Norling holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from University of Linköping, Sweden. Anders Norling is independent in relation to Peptonic Medical and its management and independent in relation to the Vidarstiftelsen Foundation.
More information about the persons proposed as members of the Board of Directors will be available on
The Nomination Committee’s other proposals will be made public in the notice of the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 24, 2022.
The members of the Nomination Committee are Hans Derninger, appointed by the Vidarstiftelsen Foundation, Heli Kurjanen and Mika Kurjanen.
For further information, please contact:
Hans Derninger,
Chairman of the Nomination Committee
+46 (0)722 48 72 00
This disclosure contains information that PEPTONIC Medical AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 07-04-2022 07:34 CET.
ABOUT Peptonic Medical AB
Peptonic Medical AB (publ) is an innovative medtech start up company, dedicated to researching and developing ground breaking products in the women’s health space and improving access to these products on a global scale.
Founded in 2009, the company now produces its own range of intimate health and wellness products under the Vagivital brand and is also the parent company of Lune Group Oy Ltd and Peptonic Medical Israel Ltd. The group is home to a holistic range of products that are trusted by experts and loved by customers. Peptonic Medical share has been traded on Spotlight ( in Stockholm since 2014.